Liz is a trainer from Northern Virginia and runs a small farm named Stone Oak Stable. Liz enjoys restarting TB's and has had several compete in the RRP Makeover over the last 6 years. Liz currently competes in the hunter ring and Fox Hunts. Liz enjoys the TB breed and loves the opportunity to showcase just how special they are.

Current Job: Trainer

Horse Lifetime PPs

Real Rider Cup Mount

Check Racing - Caroline Cooper

RRC Fair Hill Event:

Team Name: Team Cheers Man

Horse: Resilent Courage

Sex: gelding

color: Grey

Age: 5

Horse Barn: Kyle not Kyle

Total Donations$665
Ellen Dry$50
Dan & Martha Rattner$100
Cherry Tapley$40
Jen Roytz$250.00
Shannon Davis$200
Amanda Budd$25.00